Rails3 Custom Environment Variables

Posted by Jason Noble on 02/14/2011 in ruby, ruby on rails |

I recently saw a question on Stack Overflow regarding custom variables that have different values based on which environment you are running for Rails.

It turns out it’s very easy to accomplish.

# config/initializers/configuration.rb
class Configuration
class << self
attr_accessor :json_url

This gives you access to a Rails variable called Configuration.json_url. Now we just need to initialize this value in our environment files.

# config/environments/development.rb
# Put this inside the ______::Application.configure block
config.after_initialize do
Configuration.json_url = "http://test.domain.com"

# config/environments/test.rb
config.after_initialize do
Configuration.json_url = "http://www.domain.com"

Now you can test it in the Rails console.

$ rails console
>> Configuration.json_url

$ RAILS_ENV=production rails console
>> Configuration.json_url

Now your Rails app has access to these variables, so you can use them in your Controllers, Models or Views as needed.


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