DNS Resolver

Posted by Jason Noble on 08/19/2008 in dns, perl |

I had a list of domains that needed their MX records updated. I first wanted to make sure that our DNS servers were authoritative for those zones. I used Perl and the Net::DNS CPAN module to figure out the NS records for each domain. [text] #!/usr/bin/perl use Net::DNS; my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; my $query = […]

Tcl version of ucfirst

Posted by Jason Noble on 08/13/2008 in perl, tcl, ucfirst |

The load balancers we use at work have a TCL command line interface. A co-worker needed a TCL function written that would take a string as input and return the string transformed so that the first letter was upper case and the rest were lower case. There is a built in string function called toupper […]

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