Podcasts I listen to…

Posted by Jason Noble on 06/15/2014 in Uncategorized |

Recently, one of my students Raj Solanki blogged about some podcasts that he recently found.

For the past month or so, I’ve been listening to several podcasts. I listen on my iPod, but I’ve found the built in Podcasts app frankly sucks. A co-worker introduced me to Downcast, which is an alternative which ROCKS.

My podcast list:

The Dave Ramsey Show

I plan to teach Financial Peace University in September

Freakonomics Radio

Giant Robots Smashing into other Giant Robots

iPhreaks Show

iOS based podcast

Penn’s Sunday School

Features Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller fame) which makes it pretty funny

Ruby on Rails Podcast

This podcast is hosted by Sean Devine, and he talks with people in the Rails ecosystem

The Ruby Rogues

Features Charles Max Wood (he also does iPhreaks), Avdi Grimm (author of several Ruby books), James Edward Gray (Author of TextMate: Power Editing for the Mac), and several other powerhouses in the Ruby community.

Ruby 5

This one is interesting, the episodes are < 5 minutes, and they give you updates on things going on in the Ruby community. This podcast is how I realized RSpec 3 had been released.

The Software Apprenticeship Podcast

This podcast is put on by a Mentor and his Mentee, as they work through the apprentice coming on board.

That American Life / This American Life

These are both good podcasts on stories of American life. Recent episodes I enjoyed was “I was So High” and “Tarred and Feathered”.

What’s your favorite podcast?

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