Parameter Lists Rubocop

Posted by Jason Noble on 02/19/2015 in rubocop, ruby, Uncategorized |

Rubocop is a Ruby static code analyzer. Rubocop utilizes a number of style rules, which it calls “Cops”, hence the name. I picked a cop at random, and wanted to see what it looks for in my Ruby code. So let’s take a look at Parameter Lists [code] cd ~/workspace/davinci_coders_t1_2015/practice mkdir parameter_list_rubocop cd parameter_list_rubocop echo […]

Changing Font Size in RubyMine via the Keyboard

Posted by Jason Noble on 07/17/2014 in Uncategorized |

A co-worker asked if RubyMine has the ability to increase/decrease the font size (say if you were presenting on a projector). I didn’t know, but I researched it and here’s how you enable font size changes. First open RubyMine. Go to RubyMine -> Preferences. Select Keymap from the list on the left In the upper […]

Podcasts I listen to…

Posted by Jason Noble on 06/15/2014 in Uncategorized |

Recently, one of my students Raj Solanki blogged about some podcasts that he recently found. For the past month or so, I’ve been listening to several podcasts. I listen on my iPod, but I’ve found the built in Podcasts app frankly sucks. A co-worker introduced me to Downcast, which is an alternative which ROCKS. My […]

Fixing inital Rubocop errors on Rails app

Posted by Jason Noble on 03/25/2014 in Uncategorized |

tl;dr: Solution I’m an Ruby on Rails instructor for the DaVinci Coders program in Louisville, CO. I teach a class called Building the Toolbelt of a Junior Ruby on Rails Developer, where we teach students how to use Ruby on Rails, as well as the other tools software engineers use in their daily work. Recently, […]


Solution: Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError: SSL_connect issues

Posted by Jason Noble on 10/08/2013 in Uncategorized |

One of my previous students, Ross Kinney recently blogged about an error he encountered: [code] Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (https://s3.amazonaws.com/production.s3.rubygems.org/gems/multi_json-1.7.7.gem) [/code] It turns out that some of the OS X SSL Certs were out of date and he fixed it by running: [code] rvm osx-ssl-certs update all […]

Github unable to reopen a closed pull request

Posted by Jason Noble on 09/11/2012 in Uncategorized |

Ran into an interesting issue at work today. My pair (Dave) and I opened a pull request yesterday and I checked the status this morning. It showed that Dave had closed it this morning. I asked him if he had intended to merge it, and he said he hadn’t closed it. The weird thing was […]

How do I turn off logging in Rails 3?

Posted by Jason Noble on 05/22/2012 in Uncategorized |

I have a script I want to run in rails console, but I don’t want to log the SQL and such. So I googled how to turn off all logging in Rails 3 console. Unfortunately, all the answers were old, so here’s how I did it: [ruby] Logging.logger.root.level = ‘off’ [/ruby]

Rubymine print current line

Posted by Jason Noble on 01/28/2012 in Uncategorized |

One way of debugging your ruby scripts is to print out the value of variables in different sections of your code. Rubymine has a feature called live templates that allows you to type a short command and have RubyMine extract it in to full blown code. Some built in shortcuts exist, such as def (creates […]


Visiting Pivotal Labs in Boulder, CO

Posted by Jason Noble on 02/17/2011 in Uncategorized |

I recently had the opportunity to visit Boulder, CO (Wiki, Map). The reason for my visit was to visit the Pivotal Labs office and spend a day pairing with them. One of the cool/interesting features of the Pivotal office is that the company provides breakfast in the morning. I walked into the office to find […]

Straight HTML/CSS for a change of pace

Posted by Jason Noble on 09/29/2010 in Uncategorized |

I recently worked on a personal project involving HTML and CSS. My wife’s family is trying to sell a 52 acre parcel of land in Noxon, MT. They wanted a website that showed the property better than the real estate agent was able to provide (short summary, only one photo). The site I came up […]

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