Add iSCSI drive to a system

Posted by Jason Noble on 08/21/2008 in filer, iscsi, netapp |

We’re moving from one netapp to a newer one. Previously, I’ve dealt with NFS mounts, rsyncing them, then unmounting the old NFS share and mounting the new one.

The process for iSCSI drives is a little different because they aren’t mounted via NFS.

I started out by logging into the SuSE 9.3 box and editing /etc/iscsi.conf. I added one line to the file:


If you need to create a new group, go to LUNs -> Initiator Groups -> Manage. Click Add Initiator Group. The Group Name should be something descriptive, i.e. “SubversionUsers” (no spaces allowed here). The Type should be iSCSI, the Operating System depends (I chose Linux). For the Initiators list, on your Linux box run “cat /etc/initiatorname.iscsi” and copy and paste the InitatorName ( below) into the Initiators box.

svn:~ # cat /etc/initiatorname.iscsi
## If you remove this file, the iSCSI daemon will not start.
## If you change the InitiatorName, existing access control lists
## may reject this initiator. The InitiatorName must be unique
## for each iSCSI initiator. Do NOT duplicate iSCSI InitiatorNames.
svn:~ #

I then needed to allow this box to load the Netapp share. Logging into the Netapp via the web, I went to LUNs -> Manage. This was an existing LUN (you could add a new LUN if needed) so I clicked on the LUN name. I then clicked on Map LUN, then Add Groups to Map. Click the group you want to add and click Add. On the following page, in the LUN ID box you need to provide a unique (to this LUN) ID. I chose 500.

Now on the Linux box, restart iSCSI.

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